Thursday, 17 April 2014

Cream Wedding Photography Reviews

The Business of Wedding Photography
Forward by Carolyn Wimpenny (Marketing Director)
Are you aspiring to become a wedding photographer? Don't know how to get started? Well let me show you how.
We are Experts who know the trade of Wedding Photography inside out - we run the Country's Leading Wedding Photography Business Cream Wedding Photography Limited. We have just written, published & are proud to present to you our eBook THE BUSINESS OF WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY.
Who should read this eBook?
This is for the Photographer who seriously wants to get into the business of Wedding Photography and make their income here. Only one photographer can ever photograph each wedding & we'll show you how you can make sure it's You who wins the booking and does a truly Professional Job. This is Real World knowledge: with this knowledge you'll not be wasting your time on ways to market that the rest of the crowd are pushing. You'll hit the ground running pushing your brand to the forefront in ways we know work.
Some beginners spend a fortune attending a wedding photography course where everything is mocked up for them. Lots of wannabes snapping away at an amenable pair of models with all the time in the world to get the shots. Real wedding days don't pan out like that. Real Weddings are fast paced with no room for error. Believe me, we photograph hundreds of wedding each year and real Weddings seldom go to plan; if something can go wrong it will and you as a Professional have to know how to safeguard yourself and get out of trouble and that's what you'll learn here.
The Business of Wedding Photography

An Essential Guide To Running a Profitable Wedding Photography Business

PDF Document of Thirty Thousand words written by the Directors of the UK's leading Wedding Photography Company

 BA (Hons) Pg. Dip. Photographic Director Cream Wedding Photography Limited:
30 years experience Commercial/Wedding/Portrait/Studio Photography. Lecturer Media & Photography to A Level Students in Further Education.
Carolyn Wimpenny Managing Director/ Marketing Director Cream Wedding Photography Limited.
30 years experience in Sales and Marketing to both Business-to-Business and the Public.
learn how to become a wedding photographer beginners guide to photograph a wedding
The Authors oversee the work of 30 professional Wedding Photographers Nationwide where they process thousands of RAW images each week. Extensive Client Feedback has given the Authors an unprecedented insight into the UK's Wedding Photography Business.
learn how to become a wedding photographer beginners guide to photograph a wedding
Learn How to:
Price your work to make a profit & develop an ongoing viable business
Why Customer Care is King
How to advertise
Where to advertise
How to win that Wedding Booking in a highly competitive market place
Why other wedding Photographers miss out on bookings
Booking & planning a Wedding Shoot
Take images that sell
learn how to become a wedding photographer beginners guide to photograph a wedding
Learn About:
Camera kit & Technique
How to Shoot a Wedding
Common Mistakes - even made by experienced professionals & how to avoid them
Controlling the Light - Flash & reflectors
Post Production
learn how to become a wedding photographer beginners guide to photograph a wedding
You Will Get the following in Editable Open Document Text Format so you can tailor them for your own requirements:
Booking documents
Standard traditional wedding shots List
End of shoot Confirmation
Tamper Proof Label Warning Letter
Confirmation Of ownership of Copyright Form
Customer Feedback Form
Terms and Conditions designed to minimise, and to deal with any potential litigation
THE BUSINESS OF WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY eBook is normally priced at Fifty Pounds & is teaming with

all the information of the business you need to know. This is the best investment in your

Photography Business you can ever make. To get the ball rolling we are discounting the price by a

whopping 50% to the first 50 people who invest. Get THE BUSINESS OF WEDDING

PHOTOGRAPHY right now for an Amazing - Never To Be Repeated Price Of Just £25 & I promise you it will be the best £25 you'll ever spend.



A short time ago the Independent Newspaper approached Cream Wedding Photography and we gave an interview based around the above information on entering and the state of the wedding photography industry. This was subsequently published in the Education & Careers section. The text below contains the details that we supplied for the Article. 

Traditionally, wedding photographers have been sole traders working from a high street shop offering wedding photography alongside studio portraits and commercial photography services. Couples getting married booked the services of a local photographer to shoot their wedding. This has been the state of play up to the late 1990s.

The Internet has revolutionised the way people access information. The world is now at our fingertips. No longer are couples restricted to just one shop window but have a whole world of photographers’ shop windows in their living rooms.
The ability for anyone to create a website, together with other factors, such as the high level of students leaving colleges and universities with a degree in photography has resulted in a small army of photographers entering the market all jostling for the opportunity to photograph weddings. The revolution in digital photography and the availability of digital cameras at affordable prices has created an explosion of Weekend Wedding Photographers – amateurs who make a second income from advertising their services. The photography industry is not regulated and anyone can set up shop as a Wedding Photographer with little, poor, or no skills in this specialised area.

Sometimes, an established photographer will take an unskilled assistant to a wedding to get more of the less important shots. This is often done for no pay but allows a wannabe the ability to make up a portfolio of photos and put them on their own websites. Looking at these photos usually gives the game away, as the bride and groom are not looking at the camera but are obviously posed for the main photographer. Many photographers’ websites show these types of shots. We do know of people advertising their services as wedding photographers who have never even photographed a wedding completely by themselves. One person who, straight out of college, set up a website with these very type of shots and is advertising their wedding photography services with prices starting at £1,900.

Established wedding photographers have seen a great reduction in their business from the above factors. Gone are the days when they could name their own price. This has had an unfortunate knock on effect. Some established wedding photographers have set up a second business offering a cheaper service. They are marketing this as ‘Budget Wedding Photography’ and selling it as ‘Simple’ ‘Affordable’ ‘Budget’ ‘No Frills’ or ‘Easy’ wedding services. They hide their true identity with a second name, web site, and a separate email address. Unfortunately for unsuspecting couples, these photographers are frequently sending their unskilled assistants or use local inexperienced student wannabes for this type of shoot.

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